Code for Philly volunteers give back to our community by donating their skills and time towards not-for-profit, civic-minded, open source projects. Browse our community’s project directory to identify where you can volunteer.

New to Volunteering?

If you’re new to volunteering or creating your own project, please check out our Projects 101 Blueprint slides.

For detailed advice on starting your own project, check out our own github ‘getting started’ project repo.

FYI - All our Projects 101 content is open source. Submit your own pull request to make it better with your own suggestions!

Remember, you’re a part of a national community of civic hackers

Check out Code for America’s project page for more opportunities to volunteer or for inspiration on the next project to start here in Philly.

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Clean & Green Philly Maintaining

Clean & Green Philly

Philadelphia has a gun violence problem. This dashboard aims to help solve it by empowering community groups to carry out cleaning and greening interventions in the vacant properties where they can have the biggest impact.


Philadelphia has a gun violence problem. Homicides have been on the rise since 2013. The past three years—2020, 2021, and 2022—have been the deadliest on record, with a high of 562 homicides in 2021. Community members need solutions, but many city-run initiatives are frustratingly slow or inadequate. Nearly 80% of the…

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Choose Native Plants PA Maintaining

Native plants are really important for the environment.

But it is a bit overwhelming to select plants (e.g. wildflowers and grasses). This google sheet + vue js web app is designed to assist as a entry point to further research.

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Food Pantry App Maintaining

Food Pantry App's Purpose

Food Pantry App is a web app created to make it easier to operate a food pantry or food bank, reduce food insecurity, and help people in need.


This project has an active roadmap and enhancements are being developed.


Workforce Impact Analysis Maintaining

The pandemic has affected our global community in unimaginable ways. Many effects are yet to be revealed. In response, and in attempt to gauge the impact on the workforce, we are working with the City of Philadelphia to conduct an impact analysis and make a report public to inform future policymaking, as well as help people get jobs.

 Public Site

Snowcap.Me Maintaining


In just the last few years, Capital One, TJX Companies, Sears, The Home Deport, and Equifax have all been hacked, exposing hundreds of millions of consumer credit files to bad actors. New credit cards, loans, or other lending accounts could be opened with that information, unless you freeze your credit. Freezing your credit is one of the best ways you can protect yourself from identity theft and fraud. You can still use your cards and accounts normally when your credit is frozen, and if you need to apply for new account, you can unfreeze it.

Sadly, there is no central…

 Public Site

Reach: SMS Hotline & Integrated Case Management System Maintaining

Reach: SMS Hotline Platform with Integrated Case Management System

This is an SMS Hotline platform developed to facilitate a Warm Handoff to treatment services for overdose survivors. Reach connects people in need with service professionals at any hour of the day and across geographic barriers using SMS.

Reach's integrated case management systems allows for the collection of de-identified data which can be analyzed to find gaps in services, and inform needs assessments and feasibility studies for the expansion and creation of services tailored to community needs.

Together, this…

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Philly Food Finder Maintaining

As an unfunded project, it can use all the support it can get. Looking for collaboration to help increase its adoption, ideas to spread awareness, and tie-ins with other food access efforts.

We'll need much wider adoption, and for this to happen we have to focus on reaching people where they are (ie. does it need an Instagram?)—and delivering a great experience for users on their journey towards solving A) immediate food needs, B) charting a sustainable path to food security for themselves and their families, and C) connecting interested parties (like us) with advocacy tools, resources….

 Public Site

Youth Education Program Matcher Maintaining


Problem: Youth and Young Adults in Philadelphia seeking a path toward gainful employment often qualify for programs that assist them with obtaining further education and/or certifications to assist in gaining employment, but do not have a singular place to find out which of those programs they qualify for.

Solution: Create a form based tool that gathers necessary data from users and generates the programs they qualify for based on the information they submitted.

Technology: The goal is to create this tool using free Google products– Forms, Sheets, & Apps…

PHLASK: An Ecosystem For Finding and Sharing Resources in Philadelphia Maintaining

PHLASK: An Ecosystem For Finding and Sharing Resources in Philadelphia

Life-sustaining resources should remain abundant, clean and accessible to everyone. The PHLASK mission is to help people find publicly available resources, and to encourage private enterprises to provide access to excess resources - simply by PHLasking. Hoarding and privatizing access to life-sustaining resources is inefficient, wasteful and inhumane. We hope to help amplify growing efforts to normalize resource sharing and challenge the ethics of enterprises who exploit the public commons for profiteering.

If you…

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GardenHub - Community Gardens web app Maintaining

Matrix ID

Formed around the simple idea that food should not go to waste, GardenHub is the solution to the problem of community garden food waste. Despite the best efforts of community gardeners, far too often food produced in community gardens rots on the vine.

GardenHub is building technology to enable gardeners to collaborate and act upon what's growing, ripening, and available for harvest in their gardens. Using this information, GardenHub…

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Jail Jawn Maintaining

Jail Jawn

Data Source: (

What is Jail Jawn and Why?

This is the repository for the scraper code written in Python. This started as a project to learn Python and Serverless deployment.

The following code in the repository accesses the static page provided by The City of Philadelphia Department of Prisons Census page ( This web page is generated internally possible by a human at infrequent times using Excel to HTML which doesn't create clean tables for scraping which requires a custom…

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Minimal Blue Bikes Philly Maintaining

Minimal Blue Bikes Philly

Miniaml Blue Bikes Philly is an Android app displays station status for the Indego Bike Share in Philadelphia. There is NO MAP, NO GPS, and works on Android 2.3+. It shows the station name, distance and direction from a reference "current" station, a color icon showing status / how full, and number of bikes/docks available. There is a summary statistics page, a station detail w/ address and location hint.

Why Minimal?

I have a 5 year old phone running Android 2.3 and I wanted a quick and light app to find stations, bikes, and docks. I know the city…

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Open Source Mentorship Program 2015 Maintaining

Girl Develop It Philly (GDI) and Code for Philly (CfP) are excited to build off of the success of last year’s Summer of Open Source to once again offer interested female applicants a crash course in open source and a chance to get hands-on project experience in civic tech. We’ve updated the name to include fall and winter programs run by sister GDI chapters and brigades replicating and refining the precedent set in the pilot run. Last year’s project topics ranged from visualizing school budget data to mapping city-wide street tree locations. For many…


Who Won Philly Maintaining

Tim Wisniewski wrote an election scraper with Kimono and a html page to display live election results scraped from

Kevin Clough wrote a node scraper based on Nightmare( to poll the last modified date of the page, scrape and cache the results as necessary.

Scraper: WhoWon Front End:

Live Results can be viewed here: (based off of test data for now)

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Code Help Desk Maintaining

This is the help desk table for questions that you may not have awnsers to, headed by patrick and karin we will try to help you with you're codeing probles

Voter Turnout in the 2014 General Election Maintaining

This project maps the voter turnout in the November 2014 general election. It looks at the percentage of registered voters who voted in each census block group; it also examines demographic characteristics reported by the American Community Survey to try to find correlations between demographics and turnout.

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Philly Ward Leaders Maintaining

How many of you have heard of all of the judges who ran in the last election? How about all the Council at-large candidates? How about all the State Representative candidates? Most people who show up to vote have not heard of all the candidates. Instead, they're given flyers on the way in, often by their neighbors, suggesting who they should vote for. But who determines what's on the flyers? Ward leaders. And how many of you know who your ward leader is?

Let's use data to show:

  • Who they are
  • What they do…
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PATCO GTFS Maintaining

Google came up with an awesome specification for transit data: GTFS. Many transit agencies publish their schedules as GTFS for Google and other developers to use in transit applications; PATCO does not currently publish theirs as GTFS. This project takes the data from the PATCO PDF schedules, and transforms them into GTFS.

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YadaGuru - College Application Reminders Maintaining

Yadaguru is an app that helps Philly High School Seniors remember all the things they have to do to submit complete applications to college on time. We're solving the problem of doors closing to good schools because of dumb stuff like a transcript getting in after a deadline. We do this through sending multiple reminders well before stuff is due. Whole support structures around students can use the app as well so they can be part of the 'reminder team' that helps kids get the docs in on time.

Release 1 was our web app You can get reminders, send them to…

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Mapping construction permits over time Maintaining

Mapping Construction Permits

Project Description

Mapping the change in construction permits over time to see if it indicates neighborhoods in change.

Help Needed

The data is now pretty old. I'd like to restart it. I've begun working with Ruby so I'm thinking about rewriting the project with Rails.

 Public Site  Developers

Philly Bike Coalition Survey App Maintaining

Project Summary

Each year, the Philadelphia Bike Coalition oversees an army of volunteers to collect bike ridership data across the city of Philadelphia. Today, the data collection and data analysis processes are all completed with the use of pen, paper, and lots of data entry.

We want to help the Bike Coalition (and any future users) spend less time with data management grunt work so that they can spend more time using the data!

Instead of using paper forms, we aim to provide a digital solution allowing survey volunteers to collect data with a mobile-ready website (or hybrid…

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Gatekeeper Maintaining

GateKeeper is a web application designed to sit between internal API endpoints and public users, acting as a proxy. It provides a central facility for logging, analyzing, rate-limiting, and credentialing access.

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SEPTA Train Schedule Analyzer Maintaining

SEPTA Regional Rail Independent On-Time Performance Report These reports use the actual arrival time of each train over several years to recommend schedule changes for chronically late service. Reports created by William Entriken (not affiliated with SEPTA). Also see SEPTA's less detailed official OTP reports.

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Whathood - crowdsourcing neighborhood borders Maintaining

What Hood Is This?

Whathood aims to settle the neighborhood border debate for all time by aggregating neighborhood borders drawn by users into heatmaps showing the "identity" of a location.



  • PHP and the Zend framework, LeafletJS, CoffeeScript, PostGres/PostGIS

Help Needed

  • seasoned developer interested in the project
  • site testers when…
 Public Site  Developers

MilkCrate- Local Sustainability App Maintaining

MilkCrate is the digital hub for Philadelphia's local sustainable economy. We have almost 2,000 local sustainable businesses and resources in our database. We plan to grow to every city in the country.

Connecting our values with our behaviors begins by building awareness around how our everyday choices play a crucial role in creating the sort of future we all hope to have- more equitable, sustainable, and beautiful.

With the sustainability community at your fingertips, you can make choices that are aligned with the future we all want to create.

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Unlock Philly Maintaining

Using open data and crowd sourcing our mission is to make Philadelphia a more accessible city that welcomes and embraces people of all ages and abilities.

We are "building with, not for" and doing our best to ensure that our meetup spaces and tools are accessible. CityCoho is completely wheelchair accessible including the restrooms; Devnuts' entrance is wheelchair accessible and the restroom is large and on the same level, but there are no grab bars. The seating at both spaces is wheelchair friendly.

An accessible website/app is our number one priority. We value all contributions that…

 Public Site  Developers

All That Philly Jazz Maintaining

All That Philly Jazz is a digital history project at the intersection of technology, public art and civic engagement. We are telling the story of Philadelphia’s rich jazz heritage from bebop to hip-hop. We are mapping jazz spots and landmarks, historical markers, murals, Walk of Fame plaques, and jazz-related cultural assets.

Much of Philadelphia’s jazz history has been erased. Few structures remain. Jazz spots fell victim to the 1964 race riots in North Philly, urban renewal and gentrification. To preserve Philly's jazz heritage for future generations, the project is crowdsourced….

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Councilmatic Maintaining

Councilmatic! Build Status

Philly City Council Legislative Subscription Service.

Contact Us/Get Involved

  • Join the mailing list at
  • Find us on in the #councilmatic room
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ArcConsole Maintaining

ArcConsole is a simple, intuitive console for the ArcGIS Server REST API. It's intended for people not familiar with the ArcGIS REST API or users that want to get their data quickly and move on with their application. It does this by making some decisions for you, like for instance since you're on the internet the spatial reference you're using is probably WGS 84 (4326). It also uses JavaScript libraries like Chosen and Leaflet Draw to help you construct your query parameters how you need them.

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GreenSTEM Network Maintaining

The GreenSTEM Network is an open source, Arduino-powered urban sensor network developed by a group of civic-minded Philly hackers in collaboration with the Philadelphia Water Department. It collects data from the urban environment (such as sunlight levels and soil moisture), and can be expanded as new sensors are developed.

The primary goal of the GreenSTEM Network is to enhance Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) education through data visualizations, student engagement, and opportunities for data analysis and critical thinking. A secondary goal of the GreenSTEM Network is…


Emergence Maintaining

A PHP- and NodeJS- development and deployment environment for Web 3.0

Small list of sites and services powered by emergence

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Apps for Philly Maintaining

A living catalog of apps built for Philadelphians

Working Features

  • Basic CRUD for apps



Mentions would be a new object in the AppsForPhilly database that tracks URLs for News stories, blog posts, notable tweets, etc that mention an app in the catalog. Another object, AppMentions, will link apps with their mentions.

Use cases

  • Hackathon organizers will bookmark stories following their events, tagging all the apps that each mentions
  • App creators will tag their own app with any updates or new media they post so the public will see it at the…
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tokenFinder Maintaining


Find Septa tokens when you're on the go

tokenFinder is a mobile-friendly site that does precisely one thing: tells you where you can find Septa tokens (within a few miles).

Live version can be found at

Septa token locations are pulled from the excellent Septa API:

In the event that you want to manually enter an address, geolocation is handled by [Google Maps] ( Otherwise, automatic geolocation is handled by the…

 Public Site  Developers

OpenTripPlanner Maintaining

A deployment of the OpenTripPlanner multi-modal trip planning tool. Loaded with transit data for agencies in PA, NJ, NY, CT, and DE. Useful for trip planning and transit accessibility analysis.

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LocalWiki Maintaining

A LocalWiki for Philadelphia.

Why LocalWiki?

LocalWiki is a new open-source system for creating geographically-rooted wiki sites. Unlike MediaWiki/Wikipedia, LocalWiki provides a visual editor for pages and represents every entry with both a page and a map. It's the perfect way to document the history and hidden gems of your city

Where is it?

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